I’m incredibly lucky to live in Malvern - an Area of Outstanding Beauty - with Mike, my husband and our two dogs, Charlie and Jack.
The forever changing colours of the hills, big skies and magical light; trees that are a brilliant source for natural structure, textures and colours, it's all here, just waiting to be explored. I also use
materials I find in my home environment: a texturised painting, shells, plants, flowers and grasses, in fact, anything that holds my gaze and imagination!
​Photographers who have inspired me? There are many! Henri Cartier-Bresson pioneered the genre of street photography. Pep Ventosa whose synonymous with the phrase 'In The Round'. Also the brilliantly talented Erik Malm, Charlotte Bellamy, Doug
Chinnery and Valda Bailey, Chris Friel, Stephanie Johnson, Andy Gray and Bill Ward. All with their unique style and years of wisdom!
For me, the magic starts when I’m walking on my own, camera in hand and something catches my eye.